Building Relationships That Change Lives

In October, Elevate Alumni and staff were invited to participate in Adweek- the Equity Lounge. The Equity Lounge hosted a content series to bring visibility to women’s speeches throughout history that have gone unheard. Our alumnae, Ibelin, and Teacher-Mentor, Wendy, were invited to participate. You can watch their speeches here! It was an amazing experience to be surrounded by talented and inspiring women. 

Home visits are a vital relational component to better understand our students’ home environment. Teacher-Mentors have spent 14 hours conducting home visits this semester. By visiting our students’ homes, our Teacher-Mentors are given the opportunity to connect with their families. These visits offer valuable insight and creates trust between our staff and our families.

Inherent to the success of our mission are the relationships between students and Teacher-Mentors. This semester Teacher-Mentors have conducted 44 hours of one-on-one mentoring sessions. During one-on-one sessions Teacher-Mentors connect with students to discover their passions and help them create a plan for success. They also use this time to understand where a student may need additional support and resources, whether that be academically or emotionally. By building these relationships, Teacher-Mentors become life-long, positive role models.


Preparing our Students for Life After High School


Expanding our Reach and Celebrating our Leaders